board of directors

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is a team of hardworking, dedicated individuals who donate their time, effort and experience in a variety of ways to benefit all members of the club. Each member has been voted onto the board at the Annual General Meeting for a term of two years. This board is committed to the management of the skating club. Although skating runs from September to May, the board works very hard all year long. The summer is spent preparing all the necessary paperwork and making all the decisions that will determine the success of the following skating season.
Becky Bourgeois
Past President
Michelle Tessier
Vice President
Ashley Pike
Jessica Reinhart
Ashley Little
Membership tbfsc.membership@gmail.com
Ashley Little
Volunteer Chair tbfsc.volunteer@gmail.com
Christine Sebesta
Publicity Chair
Cheryl Struve
Competition Chair tbfsc.competition@gmail.com
Zoe Arsenault
Katie Gauthier
Test Chair
Ashley Pike
Bingo Chair
Amber Lawley
Skater Development Chair tbfsc.skaterdevelopment@gmail.com
Zoe Arsenault
Director of Skating
Kim Blake