Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club Policies & Procedures
Updated October 2022
Reviewed/Amended: Aug 2021, Sept 2020, Nov 2018, Sept 2017
The Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club shall abide by all Skate Canada by-laws, rules, and
regulations as per Skate Canada By-Law 1201 (1)(c)(iv), as amended.
1.0. Pandemic/Epidemic Program Cancellation
In the event of a pandemic/epidemic, the Club is prepared to follow public health, municipal/provincial
government and sport recommendations regarding modifying/restricting/postponing or cancelling
programs and activities.
The Club will provide in the form of a Club credit, a refund of the cancelled/postponed programs/events.
Cash refunds will only be considered by the board of directors on a case-by-case basis. Requests are to be
sent in writing to the Club President.
All modifications or restrictions to programming will remain in place until advised that it is safe to
resume activities by public health, government, or sport officials.
In the absence of specific protocols, please refer to the Skate Ontario/Skate Canada guidelines, as
2.0 Rowan’s Law
Skaters (and parents of skaters under the age of 18), and coaches must acknowledge/sign at the time of
registration that they have read and understood Rowan’s Law, as required by Skate Canada.
3.0. Criminal Records Check
All board members shall have a successful criminal records check when they get elected to the Board.
Those board members finishing their second year term shall sign a waiver declaration form indicating any
changes to the criminal records check. The Club will reimburse Board members for any cost incurred.
Returning Board Members without a break in service will be required to sign a waiver declaration each
year that they are staying on the Board. If a Board Member has a break in service, a new criminal records
check is required upon election.
In the event of an offence on a criminal records check, the Board shall review the offence on a case by
case basis to determine if the member shall be permitted to volunteer on the Board.
4.0. Arrears and Payments
If an account falls 30 days past due, the account will be considered in bad standing.
The member has from day 31 to 61 to bring the account to a current balance to be considered back to
good standing status.
The Club understands that circumstances occur and may grant an arrangement, on a case-by-case basis,
provided a request in writing is sent to the President and Treasurer, no later than 45 days past due.
If no communication is received and the account continues to be in bad standing status at 60 days, the
member/skater(s) will not be permitted to participate in any Club programming or events until the account
returns to good member status.
5.0 Refunds
All requests must be made in writing and will only be given up to the first four weeks of skating during
the winter season. A non-refundable fee of $60.00 includes administrative costs and Skate Canada
Registration fees. All written requests for refunds must be made within 7 days of the skater’s last day. The
club’s income is based solely on fees and fundraising, therefore after the first 4 weeks of skating, fees will
only be refunded under the following conditions:
● relocation of family to another town
● compassionate reasons approved by the board
● a medical note from a doctor for injury or illness within 14 days of the request
A letter to the board is required for any skater leaving the program. The letter may be handed to any
member of the board who will mark the date received on that letter. The letter will then be presented at the
next board meeting. Approved funds will be pro-rated and mailed out. Absolutely NO REFUNDS for ice
show will be given out after January 15 as material and supplies have already been purchased.
6.0. Bereavement
For bereavement, gifts $25 or less do not need to be brought to the Board of Directors. On the passing of a
Board of Director or Official, a donation of $50 will be made to their charity of choice in their memory.
7.0. Bursary Awards and Competitive Funding
Bursaries are for active members of the TBFSC and to be used towards the enrollment of Winter School.
Competitive funding may be issued to those skaters who attend competitions in the Super Series or Sectional Series.
To be eligible for awards/funding, the following conditions must be met:
1. Must be a full time skater and a member in good standing with the Club
2. All recipients must complete a written application form by June 30th of the calendar year
and submit to the Board of Directors for approval
3. In addition to the 12 ice subsidy volunteer hours, 24 additional volunteer hours must be
completed. As per the Ice Subsidy and Volunteer Hours Policy (20.0)
4. Volunteer hours must be completed prior to the bursary being issued.
5. Receipts must be submitted
6. Skaters may apply only for funding in either the Super Series or the Sectional Series for
out of town competitions only.
Funding will be as follows:
Sectional Series:
● Registration for one Sectional Series competition to a maximum of $300.00
● Funding towards attendance at Sectionals to a maximum of $500.00
● Funding towards attendance at Challenge to a maximum of $1000.00
● Funding towards attendance at Nationals to a maximum of $1000.00
Super Series:
● Registration for one Super Series competition to a maximum of $200.00
● Funding towards attendance at Super Series Provincial Championships to a maximum of $500.00
8.0. Ice
Sessions with less than five (5) skaters participating due to competitions and/or holidays will be
cancelled. Skaters will be allowed to pick up an extra day within that month to make up for this lost time.
8.1. Make up Sessions
There will be no substitutions or make up sessions allowed for a missed session. However a
STARskater may pick up a session for a drop in fee (see Drop In Fee Policy). The skater must
contact the Membership Chair 48 hours before the session to ensure availability. The skater will
only be allowed on the session if space is available.
8.2. CanSkate Missed Sessions
There will be no substitutions or make up days allowed for a CanSkater. All CanSkaters must
skate on their registered day(s). No refunds will be given for a missed session.
8.3. Weather Cancellations
If the city cancels/closes the facility on a scheduled day that Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club
offers a program there will be no refunds or make up sessions given unless the Club is reimbursed
by The City of Thunder Bay.
9.0. Membership
Skaters who require special assistance due to special needs (ie. autism, Down’s syndrome) can have a
worker or parent present on the ice provided that worker or parent is registered with Skate Canada, and
space permits, subject to Skate Canada guidelines and protocols.
Each skater, regardless of program, must pay the Skate Canada membership fee. This fee is
10.0. Coaches’ All coaches must have a contract with the Club, or be a freelance coach with permission
from the Board to be on Club ice.
10.1. Coaches’ Professional Development
● Standard Coaches are eligible to receive up to $1000 per skating year (Sept 1 - Aug 31)
for professional development as stated in their individual contract.
● Recreational Coaches can be eligible for up to $500 per skating year (Sept 1 - Aug 31) for
professional development but must be coaching a minimum of two (2) hours per week.
10.2. Club Sessions
All coaches will make every effort to abide by discipline separation on STARSkate sessions.
Skating skills lessons will be taught on Skating Skills, Free skate lessons will be taught on Free
skate session and Dance lessons will be taught on Dance session.
All coaches will ensure that members are skating on their proper sessions. Members who have not
paid for a session shall not skate on that session. This action ensures the safety of all Club
10.3. Communication
All issues discussed at the Board of Directors meeting need to be communicated via the Director
of Skating to the coaching staff. The Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club Secretary will provide
minutes from each Board Meeting but additional information may be needed to clarify issues.
The Director of Skating will share all communication with the coaching staff.
All Club Program Administrators will cc the Director of Skating when communicating with the
coaching staff of the Thunder Bay Skating Club.
Coaches will cc the Director of Skating when communicating with the Club Program
Any Club concerns need to be addressed in writing to the Director of Skating.
11.0. Ipod System
All coaches will not exceed 7 minutes of usage during a 15-minute lesson.
All coaches will return the IPod system back to the original rotation after use during a lesson. All coaches
will make every effort to avoid ‘dead air’ during a Club session. ‘Dead air’ is defined as no music playing
during a skating session.
Only STAR 5 and higher skaters may operate the Ipod System.
12.0. Payroll
All coaches and employees of the Club are to submit their timesheets for the month to the Director of
Skating by the 5th day of the following month for verification and then submitted to the Treasurer by the
10th of the following month. For example, January timesheets are to be submitted by February 5th.
Paychecks/Etransfers will be distributed by the 15th of the following month, for the prior month, unless
there are extenuating circumstances.
In the event that a timesheet is not submitted on time, the timesheet and payment will be held until the
next pay period.
13.0. Bingo
Bingo’s must be completed by July 31st. Any bingo worked after this will apply to the following skating
There is no maximum amount of Bingo’s that can be worked. However, as per the Ice Subsidy and
Volunteer Hours policy #20.0., a maximum of up to 32 hours can be credited.
No members of the Club may work a Bingo until they are eighteen (18) years of age.
If an emergency arises, the Bingo Chairperson must contact the Executive for help. If a volunteer has a
conflict, it is the responsibility of the volunteer to notify one of the Bingo Chairperson by email.
Bingo volunteers are required to provide 48 hours notice if they are unable to work their scheduled bingo.
If the volunteer does not notify the Bingo Chairperson by email 24-48 hours in advance, a $50.00 fine
will be applied at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Mandatory Bingos will now be required effective October 2022. Each Skater family will be required to
work 2 mandatory bingos (2- 4 hours = 8 hours total) on behalf of the Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club
during the months of August - July of the current season. Bingos may be assigned at random at the
discretion of the bingo chair to skating families.
Star Development/Canskate/Learn to Skate Programs Bingo Incentive: Each Starskate family member
may volunteer to work a bingo if no other Starskate volunteer parents/families are available. A club credit
of $20 per Bingo (4 Hours) will be applied to the skater account. The Parent/Family member must
complete the necessary bingo training prior to volunteering for a bingo.
14.0. NSF Cheques and Credit Cards
A $40.00 fee will be issued for all NSF cheques.
Any member with one returned NSF cheque will be required to pay all outstanding fees, including but not
limited to coaching fees, test fees, competitions fees, registration fees and ice show fees (past and future
to session end) by way of cash, certified bank cheque or money order only. No exceptions. Access to ice
privileges will be denied until all monies owed are collected.
15.0. Email Protocol
With the increased development and use of electronic communications, the Board will be respectful in
their use of such communications regarding business and decisions related to that of the TBFSC.
15.1. The Board members shall communicate via email for the purpose of:
a. Distribution of minutes and agenda for meetings/subcommittee meetings
b. Following up with a request or agenda item to be completed before the next meeting
c. Feedback regarding a document, promotion or such that is to be completed before the next
d. Clarification of an issue or activity that must be completed before the next meeting
15.2. Board decisions shall not be made via email or other electronic communications unless they
are of an urgent nature that must be addressed before the next regular scheduled meeting. Board
decisions via email shall:
a. Be addressed to all voting members and the President
b. Explain the reasoning for the vote, a date to which a decision must be reached, and factual,
pertinent information relating to the decision
c. Require that if the person proposing the request is a voting member, they must propose the
motion and request a seconder
d. Note any conflicts of interest or abstaining votes by members
e. Be acknowledged as being passed with enough electronic votes by the President, or in the
absence of the President by the Past President.
15.3. Board decisions passed at a previous meeting shall not be proposed to be changed, amended
or overturned via email.
15.4. All communications via email or electronic devices shall be clearly addressed as to whom is
to respond or whom the email is intended for by indicating such names in the “TO” line. All
others that are to not respond, or just to make people aware should be addressed in the “CC” line.
15.5. All board communications should not utilize the “BCC” line.
15.6. All electronic communications will be respectfully, well thought out. Bullying or
harassment via electronic communications will not be tolerated and will be addressed
15.7. All electronic communications should be cc’d to the President. All electronic
communications to or by the President should be cc’d to one of the Vice Presidents or Past
15.8. All electronic communications relating to Board matters will remain confidential, as with
any discussion that takes place in the realm of the Board setting.
15.9. Limited, and only essential personal or sensitive information will be included in electronic
communications among the Board.
16.0. Zero Tolerance on Harassment and Bullying
Bullying can be defined, but is not limited to, the activity of unwanted repeated, aggressive behaviour
intended to hurt another person, physically or mentally whether it be in person or cyber-bullying.
Cyberbullying is the use of cell phones, instant messaging, email, chat rooms, or social networking sites
such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten or intimidate someone.
Any Club member who intimidates or bullies another member of the Club will be dealt with in the
following sequential steps :
1. A verbal warning from their Base Coach and any member of the Board of Directors in the
presence of their parent/guardian. The President must be notified of this verbal warning for the
Club’s records.
2. The Executive Board of Directors will meet as a conflict resolution committee to discuss the
situation. They will bring their findings to the Board of Directors. Based on the evidence
provided, a written warning will be given from the Board of Directors.
3. A declaration stating the skater is “a member not in good standing” and the skater is NOT
permitted on any ice sanctioned by Skate Canada until permission has been granted by the Board
of Directors to return. The skater and parent/guardian (if applicable) must request to meet with
the Board of Directors to present their case for reinstatement to the Club.
17.0. Conflict Resolution
The Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club designed this policy as a guideline in demonstrating our
commitment to resolving differences in a fair, equitable, and timely manner. The TBFSC is committed to
the techniques of negotiation, facilitation, mediation, and arbitration as effective ways to resolve disputes.
This process will be followed with the goal to resolve disputes between members, directors, coaches, and
parents by encouraging members, directors, coaches, and parents to resolve conflicts and promote
kind-heartedness through direct dialogue wherever possible, before following the formal resolution
Complaints and concerns regarding your skating experience should be directed according to the following
17.1 Individual/Informal Level
In the case of a dispute among members, directors, coaches, or parents, individuals involved are
encouraged to make every effort to resolve the dispute amongst themselves.
Where reasonable efforts have failed to resolve the conflict, a request may be made in writing to
the Club President for assistance in resolving the dispute, such request to be made within 15 days
of the event in question.
17.2 Facilitation Level
The Board may wish to provide an opportunity for the parties to meet with the President or
designate(s) who can facilitate further dialogue between the parties toward a resolution. Within 3
days of receiving the request, the President will ensure that the parties have an agreed upon date
to meet with the facilitator (The Board may wish to bring in a facilitator from outside the Club depending upon the circumstances).
If these efforts do not result in a satisfactory outcome, the complainant may provide the President
with a written formal complaint, within 10 days of the facilitation effort (use a form to capture
pertinent information for consistency).
17.3 Committee/Formal Level
The President receives the written formal complaint and refers the matter to the Conflict
Resolution Committee (CRC), ensuring that there is no conflict of interest with the committee
The Conflict Resolution Committee will comprise five impartial board of director members
selected by the President or designate.
The President or CRC Chair, provides acknowledgement of receipt in writing to both parties,
within three days, as follows:
● Written notification to the individual making the complaint, as well as copy of the
complaint, against whom (the respondent) the claim has been made
● Respondent asked to respond in writing to the conflict resolution committee
● Committee to collect information and investigate through appropriate means, including
affording either or both of the parties an opportunity to present in-person
● Summarize the facts and note any contradictory facts
● Consider the facts and consult resources where applicable
● Inform the parties that the committee has completed its review of the complaint and will
be making recommendations to the Board as to outcomes, and that notification of the
Board’s decision will be provided in writing to both parties by a specified date which
should be within 15 days of the initial receipt of the written complaint
● At the next regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting, or at a special meeting of the
Board (if necessary to meet the 15 day window), the committee will present the case to
the Board of Directors with their findings and recommendations for resolution.
17.4 Board of Director/Decision Level
The Board of Directors upon receipt and review of the Conflict Resolution Committees’ finding
may choose to dismiss the complaint or render a decision.
Each of the Complainant and the Respondent will be notified in writing of the Board’s decision of
dismissal of the complaint or results of restrictions or penalties as deemed fit.
17.5 Potential Outcomes/Consequences
It is important that a fair and reasonable outcome be reached relative to the nature of the event in
question. To that end, options that provide a graduated response may prove helpful.
1. Written clarification of perceived misunderstanding or explanation of expectations,
guidelines, rules or policies and their application under the circumstances.
2. Written expectations regarding similar situations should they arise in the future.
3. Written caution to either or both parties as necessary, to cease and desist the (named)
behaviour that led to the initial complaint, subject to further sanction if they do not
4. Suspension or Termination of Club Membership/Contract may be deemed appropriate in
cases of serious misconduct, and the Board of Directors reserves the right to exercise
these options if the circumstances are deemed to warrant
In situations of significant misconduct, the Board shall reference Skate Canada’s National
Complaints Procedure to determine whether the matter should be referred to Skate Canada’s
Review Officer.
18.0 Social Media
The Club has a Facebook and Instagram account. The Publicity Chairperson will have administrator
privileges along with the President and any member approved by the Board of Directors.
19.0. Board Sub-Committees
The following chairpersons are encouraged to help with the overall operations of the Club. The Board of
Directors may serve as a chairperson or appoint non-Board members. Each chairperson should seek a
working committee. Examples of chairperson are: Bingo Chairperson; Fundraising Chairperson;
Hospitality Chairperson; House Chairperson; Ice Chairperson; Ice Show Chairperson; Membership
Chairperson; Music/House Chairperson; Publicity Chairperson; Test Chairperson; and Program
Representatives (CanSkate, CanPowerskate, Synchronized Skating and STARSkate).
20.0. Privacy Policy
Privacy of information is of utmost importance to our figure skating club. Some of the information
collected during our on-line registration (Skate Canada number, name of skater, and contact email) is
forwarded to Skate Canada for membership registration. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your
personally identifiable information to outside parties. This does not include trusted third parties who assist
the club in the operation of our website and processing of online transactions. All cardholder data
provided during online registration is collected and handled by a third-party compliant vendor
(Beanstream Internet Commerce). The club does not have access to or store credit card information in any
The email address provided is used for registration processing and to send information/updates about
program registration, volunteer opportunities, or other events (e.g. annual AGM, Ice Show) of interest to
the club. You can opt out of these message lists at any time by signing into your member account and
editing account details.
21.0. Club Dressing Room & Lockers
The dressing room is located at the North end of the arena. It is the responsibility of the skaters to keep
the room clean. Anything left on the floor will be thrown out when the dressing room is being cleaned.
Please be considerate and dispose of garbage and any unwanted items. Also consider the sensitivities of
others before applying perfume, body lotion, hairspray or any other scents others may find offensive or
painful. Being disrespectful to the space and other skaters and the use of foul or offensive
language/comments will not be tolerated.
Only club issued locks are allowed on the club lockers located in the dressing room. All other locks will
be cut off if not removed. Please contact the House and Music Chair to rent your locks. Cost of rental is
$10.00 for the duration of the skating season.
21.1. Club Dressing Room Violations
Use of the Club Dressing Room is a privilege. TBFSC expects all skaters to conduct
themselves in a manner that is appropriate for all skating levels/ages. If Skaters are being
disrespectful to the space and other skaters, using foul language/offensive comments,
they will be in jeopardy of having their privileges removed. The following steps will be
taken in the event of misconduct:
1. A Verbal Warning by a member of the TBFSC Board of Directors with their
coach present outlining the violation. The parent/Guardian will be notified of the
verbal warning.
2. A Written Warning addressed to the Skater and Parent/Guardian from the TBFSC
Board of Directors outlining the violations.
3. A Written Warning addressed to the Skater and Parent/Guardian stating the
removal from the TBFSC Dressing room for the remainder of the Season.
22.0. Ice Subsidy and Volunteer Hours
All STARskate families must pay a $300 Ice Subsidy Fee at registration which will be refunded upon
completion of a minimum of 12 volunteer hours with the club. Each family will have mandatory
requirements to volunteer for 2 bingos (8 hours) on behalf of TBFSC. The volunteer hours must be
completed by July 31 of that skating year. Volunteer hours will be tracked per the fiscal year Aug 1 - July
31. Once the mandatory 12 hours and 2 bingos have been completed, a skater can still receive credit of
$5/hour up to a maximum of $100.
STARskaters volunteering within the club must be 18 years of age to receive credit towards Ice Subsidy.
Skaters under 18 years of age and are attending High School can receive credit towards High School
volunteer hours. If you would like to request your skater to volunteer during an event or activity, please
contact the coordinator of the event.
Ice subsidy and $100 volunteer credits are payable at the end of the Winter session.
23.0. Program Assistants
All STARskaters who have reached the age of 12 years old as of October 1st of the current skating season
must commit to be a program assistant one CanSkate session per week. The STARskater will receive a
credit of $5 per session for each session attended.
Once a STARskater turns 18 years old, the STARskater has the choice to:
● Program assist - one session per week
● Volunteer a minimum of 4 hours within the club
● Apply to become a Canskate Coach for Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club or officiate on behalf
of the club.
*Note: This applies to STARSkate Only
Parent/Family Member Volunteers are eligible to Program Assist. TBFSC will pay the Parent/Family
Member’s Skate Canada Fee. The Family will receive volunteer hours towards the Ice Subsidy Fee
Siblings over the age of 12 with skating experience who are unable to receive highschool hours are
eligible to Program Assist. TBFSC will pay the Skate Canada Fee. A credit of $5 per session will be
applied to the Members account.
High School Student Volunteers are eligible to Program Assist. TBFSC will pay the Skate Canada Fee
with a commitment to volunteer for a full 10 week session and attend a minimum of 7 sessions. High
school volunteer hours will be credited for hours attended.
**Volunteers must commit to volunteer for a full 10 week session and attend a minimum of 7 sessions.
Note: If 7 sessions are not attended TBFSC will charge the applicable amount for the Skate Canada fee to
the skater/member account.
23.1. Program Assistant Incentive Program
Program Assistants who volunteer more than the required 1 Canskate session will be
enrolled in the following Tier Program to receive additional volunteer credits.
● 1 Day per week = $5 per session
● 2 Days per week = $8 per session
● 3 Days per week = $10 per session
● 4 or more days per week = $12 per additional session
Example: if a program assistant is volunteering 3 days per week with Canskate - a
total of $23 per week will be credited to the skaters account at the end of the Winter
The Top 3 Starskaters who have volunteered the most sessions will be rewarded with a gift
card at the end of the season for the following amounts:
1. $200 Gift Card 2. $100 Gift Card 3. $50 Gift Card
23.2. Violation of the Program Assistant Policy
If a Starskater fails to abide by the Program Assistant Policy 23.0. and does not assist for
a minimum of 1 session per week, the following steps will be taken:
1. Verbal communication will be given by the Canskate Coordinator along with a
Board of Director with the skater/family outlining the Program Assistant Policy
and the importance of the commitment to PA.
2. Written notice of the failure to Program Assist will be given to the Starskate
Family stating the non-compliance of the Program Assistant Policy.
3. Final Written Warning will be given that the Starskater will no longer be a
member in good standing with the TBFSC. The Skater will be suspended from
programs, competitions and events for 14 days from the date of suspension
without a refund.
4. Permanent removal from TBFSC Programs for the remainder of the season - the
member can seek a reconsideration of reinstatement from the TBFSC Board of
Directors with a written plan in place to improve commitments and attendance
for future Program Assisting.
24.0. Drop In Fees
Drop in fees for TBFSC members will be charged at $25 per session. Non-members drop in fees will be
charged at $35 per session. All Drop in fees must be requested and confirmed with TBFSC’s Membership
Chair 48 hours in advance pending availability on session.
Once approval has been received for the session, the Skater must register for the drop in ice via Uplifter.
Payment will be applied via Credit Card.
E-transfers will not be accepted for Drop In Fees.
25.0. Skater Code of Conduct Disciplinary Actions
The TBFSC Executive Board of Directors will only commence an investigation when a written letter of
complaint is received. If it is determined an infraction/breach of the code of conduct has occurred, the
following disciplinary actions will be taken:
1st Offence: Verbal warning will be given by the Skater’s base coach or a member of the
TBFSC Board of Directors. Parent/Guardian must be present if the skater is under the age
of majority (18). A copy of the skater code of conduct will be given. Documentation will
be provided to the TBFSC President for Club records.
2nd Offence: Letter from the TBFSC Board will be addressed to the skater and
Parent/Guardian outlining the nature of the violation.
3rd Offence: Suspension from all TBFSC programs for 14 days without compensation.
This includes all Competitions and Test Days.
4th Offence: Permanent removal from TBFSC Programs for the remainder of the season -
the member can seek a reconsideration of reinstatement from the TBFSC Board of
Directors with a written plan in place for improvement of behaviour.
In the case of a serious breach of ethics, the skater may be immediately suspended at the TBFSC’s Board
of Directors discretion. In cases of suspension or expulsion; no refund of any kind will be granted.
26.0. Parent Code of Conduct Disciplinary Action
The TBFSC Executive Board of Directors will only commence an investigation when a written letter of
complaint is received. If it is determined an infraction/breach of the code of conduct has occurred, the
following disciplinary actions will be taken:
1st Offence: Verbal Warning will be given by a member of the TBFSC Board of
Directors. A copy of the parent code of conduct will be given. Documentation will be
provided to the TBFSC President for the Club records.
2nd Offence: Letter from the TBFSC Board of Directors will be addressed to the member
outlining the nature of the violations.
3rd Offence: The Member may be asked to leave the Club at the TBFSC Board of
Directors discretion. If the Parent/Guardian is asked to leave, the skater may still be able
to attend for the remainder of the season. The Parent/Guardian will not be allowed to
accompany their skater inside any arena during club ice time. If the Parent/Guardian does
not abide by the decisions of the TBFSC Board of Directors, the skater may also be
affected and asked to leave the Club without compensation.